Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I have a really good friend, actually is like my sister. Her name is Carmen Rosa and I know her since I was 8 years old; I met her through my family. She is tall, brown hair, brown eyes, and slim. She works in a bank and studies at night. She knows everything about me. We went to different school, and we both had different friends. But even so we’re still best friends.

She got married two years ago, but I couldn’t go, because I was living and working in Miami, and my ex-manager didn’t give me permission to go to Venezuela. So sad. Nevertheless, last year she had a baby girl, named Victoria and I’m her godmother.

Even I’m here and she is in Venezuela, we speak almost every day through msn, so be it to say: Hi, how are you?


John said...

You have remained friends although the distance separates you so far. That is very good. Isn't the Internet great for keeping us connected with our friends and families? Do all the differences make your friendship harder or easier?

ANDREA said...

Carolina, I am in the same situation. I feel very good because I have friends here and my best best friend is in Venezuela. We always chat and also we talk by telephone.


You know... friends are like family that people choose...;)

Nancy A. McKeand said...

I think that is one of the hardest things about living in a different country: you miss many important events in the lives of friends and family. But it is really nice that you are Victoria's godmother. That is a special bond that will keep you and Carmen Rosa connected forever.

Nice said...

Carmen Rosa sounds so special to you! I know how hard it is to live far from your family and friends.
I have my best in Brazil and i miss her so bad!!!